Rugby: This is a sport that i have not played seriously in a very long time and hope to gain some skill in over the holidays. I have currently enrolled in the CR&FC (Ceylon Rugby and Football Club) Rugby Academy, which holds lessons weekly on Saturday mornings. I will be reporting on any developments in upcoming posts.
Karate: There is an upcoming karate tournament which i hope to participate in and hopefully achieve medals in both sparring and forms competitions.
My Youtube Guitar Lesson Channel: I hope to make a series of lessons for the COMPLETE arrangement of Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. This will prove to be a daunting task because there is no accurate arrangement on the internet so i will most likely have to learn it by ear with the help of a software called Transcribe which allows me to slow down the track to more easily hear the fast passages within the piece. This will prove to be very difficult as this is a very long, technically complicated song, but very rewarding, because if i succeed, I will be the only person on Youtube to have a complete lesson for this very popular song for aspiring guitarists, which should greatly increase the popularity of my channel, which is currently doing well, with the number of views on the first video nearing a 1000 and no negative comments or "dislikes" so far.
My Own Playing: I also hope to take the initiative of transcribing my own instrumental solo from a jazz standard, namely Sunny - by Bobbie Hebb, popularized by Frank Sinatra.
Service: I also hope to find a suitable community service activity to participate in during the holidays, but have yet to have found one.